What Needs to Change?

I have a good life.  In fact, my life is awesome.  I would not change a thing in it.  At least, that is how I feel right now, in this moment.  It is early, and my first cup of coffee tasted really good.  Oh, and the kids aren’t up yet.
Anyway, even in those times when things are annoying, or it seems like I can’t catch a break, I am usually able to realize that, overall, I’ve got it pretty good.  For this reason, I have been pretty content with hanging around, mowing the lawn, going to whatever work is available, being a decent husband and father to my family, and so on.
But for the last few years something has been eating at me – whispering to me, challenging me, pushing me, in general really bugging me.  At first I did not know what was going on – getting older, maybe?  A feeling of discontent or disillusion with my life?  Insanity, perhaps?
Although I haven’t ruled insanity out “isn’t it really just a matter of degrees?”  I think many people feel the same way I do.  I am starting to think that the message to “Get in the Game” is something many people experience when we have accomplished old goals and are being asked, called upon, beckoned, to strive for more.
I like the image of “raising the bar”.  I love watch high jumpers try to clear the pole each time it is raised.  I am not sure how they do it.  Each time it seems as if they barely make it over, and that is only by contortions of the body that seem impossible.  But somehow they are able.  I think about the amount of practice it must take when they find their maximum height.    I would like to know how many times they knock the bar down compared to how many times they make it over.  I wonder “probably naively,” if sometimes clearing that height has something to do with luck, or fate, or divine intervention.
I do know this for sure – left to my own devices I would rarely raise the bar in my own life.  I like being comfortable.  It feels good, and safe, and, well, easy.
As I thought about the things I’ve accomplished, most of which have involved tremendous amounts of luck, fate, and divine intervention, I wondered what “Game” I could possibly be useful in?  After all, aren’t there many smarter, stronger, more disciplined people to tackle problems and issues in our country and in the world?  There have been some really great advancements in technology, science, and medicine.  I couldn’t have come up with any of those!  I grew up with the belief that most injuries and medical issues could be cured by applying a healthy layer of Vaseline to the damaged portion of your body.  I also thought that the video gaming craze had hit it’s peak with the invention of Pong – who could have known that advancements would exceed that grasp?
So why am I hearing the message to “Get in the Game”?  And why am I entering the Blog World to bring the challenge to you?  Well, I’m not really sure.  I guess it’s because I am smart enough to realize that there are many things “outside the realm of technology, science, and medicine,” that could use changing.  It is hard to sit on the sidelines and know that brave people are fighting in wars.  It is disturbing to see the number of hardworking people that are losing their jobs and houses.  As an addictions counselor and elementary teacher, it upsets me to see various glorification of alcohol abuse, drug addiction, and  unhealthy life choices through the media.  Could I be doing more to help with these issues?  Are those  the games I am watching from the sidelines, or from the bleachers?  I know that I have opinions on those issues.  I am happy to share my opinions with others.  I also know that more could be done. 
Lately I have even entertained the thought that I am not on the sidelines.  I am in the game.  I counsel people who want help with addictions.  I teach children.  I work hard in these roles.  What more is there?  shouldn’t I give myself more credit? Can’t that voice in my head to do more just give me a break? 
I think I am here, writing this blog, to find if others feel the same way.  I have a strong feeling that you do.  If so, what are the things we can do to make a difference – to make things better, to change even one life for the better?  What are the things you think really need to change in our society, or in the world?  What are the things things that people or society really need to change, or look at, but most likely do not want to hear?  How can we all take our experiences, knowledge, and gifts, and get into the game?

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